In addition to the new production plant, Chiotti has an exhibition space of over 1000 square meters, with numerous proposals for new and used cars, able to satisfy any customer.
Go to the pageBODY SHOP
The bodywork is composed by a team of qualified workers, who coordinating in perfect harmony in the various Production phases and using cutting-edge techniques, Offer products of the highest quality.
Go to the pageEXHIBITIONS
We are always present at the exhibitions such as the Tanexpo in Bologna. This allow us to guarantee a complete service on the national and international territory.
Go to the page"Success comes from a simple idea perfectly executed"
Siamo presenti a Tanexpo 2016
Punto di riferimento per l’intero settore funerario e cimiteriale, italiano ed internazionale, TANEXPO è l’appuntamento biennale dove i professionisti del settore, operatori e onoranze funebri, incontrano la migliore produzione di arte funeraria.
La prima fiera funeraria al mondo per numero di visitatori e superficie espositiva.